So I usually O between cd 13-16 and I was pretty sure I o'd on the 14th this cycle quite possibly even the 15. So that would make me 15-16 DPO and my usual LP is 14 days. I also have no sign of AF, no sensitive BB's no cramping, just a decrease in temp which would make me think it was on it's way. Nothing!! So what the hell happened. I guess I should have charted this cycle. I have started charting the last few days but today I was up at 4am with Finley who thought it was play time and by the time I got settled back to bed it was 5:30 and the alarm went off an hour later so it was pointless to temp. Finley sure is getting us ready to be parents.
I guess it is possible that I O'd a week later, since I have no temp to confirm. I had wet cm, not EWCM but wet so it is possible. So here is back to the charting and waiting. Come on BFP or AF. I would prefer the first but I am getting impatient.
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