Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sleepless Nights

For the last 2-3 weeks we have been running on no sleep. Liam has been getting up at least 4 times a night and then finally waking for the day at 5 am. Now 5 am isn't too bad and I totally wouldn't mind that if he slept from say 7pm- 5am but he doesn't.

Normally he eats and goes down at 7pm and he was sleeping right through until 6 am or occasionally he would wake at 3:00am for a feeding and then go back down. Oh how I miss those nights.

I guess we are going through the four month wakeful along with teething. The poor little guy has his two middle teeth on the bottom just waiting to pop through. They are swollen and red and look so sore. I really hope they come through soon, I hate seeing him in pain and well we all need some sleep.


Just Believing said...

hey girl you hit it right on the head the 4 month wake thing is not a myth ( unfortunatley ;) hang in there this to shall pass and your great little sleeper shall return ;)

Unknown said...

Hope that you get some rest very soon; I am sure ou have heard that it gets better & I promise it really does!