Monday, December 22, 2008

Hoping for a New Years Blessing

Well AF showed last night around 2 am so this cycle is finally over, thank goodness. I was really getting tired of it all. I am hoping that the new year brings us many blessings. I am actually pretty excited. I have decided that I will only temp to confirm O this cycle and than avoid it after that.


Mrs.Pink said...

Sounds like a good plan! I'll be doing the same! Hopefully 2009 is our year!!

Oh p.s You've been tagged! Look in my blog for what to do! :)

ilovejav said...

Sounds good. Keep up the good attitude! I don't know if I will temp after O either.:)

AmyfromMI said...

I completely understand, it can be so frustrating. GL, and keep up the positive attitude!

MSC said...

Fingers crossed that you get your BFP in 09!