Yay the week is half over but the next couple of days are going to kill me. They are full of meetings, classes and work. I cannot wait until the weekend.
So an update on AF:
Today the cramps starting, along with a backache and my need to eat anything greasy as well as chocolate so it appears the royal bitch is on her way. I guess that means that my LP is now 16 days, strange. It has been 14days for so long. I really don't like that at all, I found 14 days long now to have to wait an extra 2 more days before testing, argghh.
I am not sure what to do different this cycle, I guess more sex, and more green tea, and hopefully a good sleeping pattern so I will have nice temps. Yes I am temping again, I find it worse not knowing.
On a positive note, I didn't cave in and test at all this cycle so now I have 5 lovely tests waiting for the end of next cycle. Let's hope that they all get used and I get my BFP.
Here's to hoping that our favorite month, the month of love is our lucky one. If AF shows up today/tomorrow than I will more than likely be Oing on my Bday!! Come on Birthday O, how sweet a present it would be if we could concieve on my Bday.
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