Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I hate the 1ww

From the time I was two my mom told me I was very impatient. Joel tells me this all the time. This characteristic is not a good one to have when you are TTC. Especially when you have symptoms you don't usually have. I am a sucker for playing into them and I usually end up disappointed. I really hope this time is different, but it will probably just end up being a fluke of some sort. I no longer think I will be pregnant at the end of each cycle. I have become a pessimist I suppose. Which I think I do more to protect myself but with that being said I am really praying this is it for us. If it isn't than we will only be one month away from the year mark and that really freaks me out.

Currently I am 9 DPO with an ugly chart, crazy cramping, tender breasts and fatigue(although this could be due to the busy schedule I have had around finals.

I am not sure when I will test if I do this cycle or if I will wait it out. If I do I will likely give in around 13 DPO(Sun), that is usually the day I lose my will power. Thank goodness for $ PG tests.


Lisa said...

Mandy I wish you all the luck! I am still keeping my fingers crossed.
Okay onto another subject!
CONGRATS on the LAST final. When is the big graduation day?
What are your plans now...other than training for your marathon?

ilovejav said...

Good luck this week!!!:)

*Mandy* said...

Thanks!! Well Marathon training was put on hold while I got through my finals as I didn't have the time to go to the track and it was storming here for almost the past 2 weeks. So if I don't get my BFP this cycle I will start up again. As for other plans, no idea yet!!I'm sure it will come to me soon though. Oh I also gained back my weight because I stuffed myself with easter candy for the last 5 days.

Alma1107 said...

Good luck hun!

Jessica said...

I am new to the TTC blogs, would love to share experiences with you.
I hope this is your month!!