Friday, September 25, 2009

A kick and a Punch

I cannot get over the movement from our little one the last few days. Normally his movement during the day is minimal and at night around 9pm he gets super active. During the last few days however he has been quite active throughout the whole day. I absolutely love it. Every time I feel a little kick or punch I get the biggest smile on my face. This is one thing I will never ever get tired off.

I still love when 9 pm hits, This is when he really starts up and he goes for a good hour to hour and a half, I really wish I could watch him and see and know exactly what he is up to during those times.


Mrs.F said...

I know... it truly NEVER gets old feeling them moving around in there! Even when you are full term & ready for him to come out that will be the one thing you will seriously miss.

Stacia said...

I know! Katelyn loves to start wiggling around at 9 pm too...just when I want to sleep! I will miss it so much once she's born.

Rachel H. said...

I too love it when I feel little Weston kick...It's just such an awesome feeling! :)

Shannon said...

Arent the kicks amazing?! Im glad to see things are going good and that you are having a boy, how very exciting!

Anonymous said...

That sounds so exciting! I am happy you are enjoying your pregnancy......more belly pics please!